Who am I? Who is me?

I'm a software engineer, currently working with AWS primarily. About languages - Python. I also work with TypeScript and JavaScript from time to time. If needed, I can write a shell script too (yes, without ChatGPT).

I currently hold 3 cloud certifications:

  1. SAA-C03 - Credly

  2. AZ-104 - Microsoft Learn

  3. AZ-900 - Microsoft Learn

I've got a couple of projects on the GitHub too.

Twitt.. oops, I mean X - check it out here

Anything else?

I've got a homelab. Needless to say - I've broken it SO. MUCH. TIMES. As I expected. Lot of fun anyways. Might write about it.

About this site

I published my first blog ever back in OCT 2021.

Why did I start again now? Better question would be - Why did I stop writing? This might be a shocker but - I have no idea.

Start again is probably too ambitious, but this time I hope to write something. More often. Let's see.

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LAST UPDATED: 1714750907

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cloud and code chaos: bugs and lightning tips.


I'm a software engineer, currently working with AWS primarily. About languages - Python. I also work with TypeScript and JavaScript from time to time. I currently hold 3 cloud certifications: SAA-C03, AZ-104, AZ-900